The Narrative
New Afrikans spending power as of 2022 reached $1.6 Trillion and is expected to increase to $1.8 Trillion by year end 2024. Despite this enormous spending power, New Afrikans continue to suffer a multitude of injustices and have yet to establish and maintain a single New Afrikan community since integration. Further, the Guardian reported that the median wealth for New Afrikans will fall to $0 by 2053, if the current trend continues.
“Who you give your money to, you give your power.”
– W. E. B Du Bois
Spending Power
The New Afrikan Nation’s spending power is greater than the GDP (gross domestic product) of most developed nations, coming in at 13 after Russia at 11 and Brazil at 12 but before Australia at 14 and Spain at 15.
“The greater part of our problem is that we don’t see ourselves as a nation.”
~ Dr. Amos Wilson
It is our position that ALL injustices—social, political, economic and/or environmental—that we face as a People are ALL POLITICAL in nature. Through direct and/or indirect systematic racism, sanctioned by the power structure of this land, these injustices serve as mechanisms to keep our People under subjugation. Moreover, they rob our People of our birthright, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
- Infant Mortality Rate for New Afrikan babies are 2.4x greater and almost 4x greater due to birthweight complications.
- Maternal Mortality Rate for New Afikans are about 3x higher.
- Although New Afrikans represent only 13%+ of the population, We, however, represent 38% of the prison population.
- New Afrikans are 3x more likely to be murdered by the police.
- European American(s) are 10x greater than New Afrikans and are 28x more likely to become millionaires.
- 45% of New Afrikans are home-owners compared to European Americans at 74%.
- New Afrikans have yet to receive an appropriate education under the American educational system.
- 20% of New Afrikans lives in food deserts
- Due to USDA discriminatory lending practices, forced sales of hiers property and other factors, New Afrikans lost 90% of our land.
New Afrikans have failed to implement a comprehensive strategy and plan to change the current condition and its negative trajectory.
After integration, New Afrikans left their own communities to shop and live in the communities of their oppressors, thereby transferring the wealth out of New Afrikan communities and creating the poverty-stricken neighborhoods that we see today throughout America. This negative mental behavior and spending pattern continue to the present day.
“There is no European answer for Afrikan problems; either Afrikans find a solution to Afrikans problems or there is no solution and if you don’t find a solution soon, you go back into slavery!” ~Dr. John H Clarke
Answer To Narrative
New Afrikans should recognize its nationhood status and build communities that are expressed collectively as an “Internal Market Community.”
New Afrikans prospered exceedingly during the time of segregation more so during integration. With supporting New Afrikan owned-businesses, some experts calculated that the dollar bounced 39 to 100 times before leaving the community.
“The condition of a People is directly related to how efficient they think and behave as a group.” ~Atef Tenka
By building New Afrikan Communities We:
- Become the “primary” benefactors of our own spending habits,
- Promote nationhood,
- Finance our social needs,
- Secure our future
- Create generational wealth, and
- Influence positive change throughout the world, etc.
“The worst plan well organized will beat the best plan unorganized.” ~Atef Tenka